Wednesday, February 14, 2007

sitting in the office, thinking...


nope that's not working.

here in venice trying to get more hits for
coming soon, Berty Skuber, Philip Corner and later on Ay-O - see the newsletter for details.

oh well, back to work....



Anonymous said...

Excuse me, sir, but didn't you mistake me for an Italian this summer, while standing in Emily Harvey's gallery on a sweltering June evening during the opening of Time Samples? I believe I gave you my card, which hopefully corrected your suis un Walloni en realité, mais je ne parle pas de Français, je parle Anglais seulement. I am buying "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" from Time Samples, and don't you forget it! hear my music at Jeff Abell

Wastedpapiers said...

Sorry for being so tardy. trying to get round to three hundred blogs is taking lone ranger than I thought!