Saturday, October 29, 2005

yesteday's soup

and very nice too was the soup. today i made lentil, wheat and chicken but we haven't eaten any yet, well the boys have. nic's gone to venice and i'm being

the good dad.
been out, down to the park at san giuliano which looks out to venice from the mainland. it was a beautiful, mist, venetian day. foggy, but with an amazing

light that came out as a red/violet tint on the photos. wonderful when you can distinguish the horizon from the lagoon and the islands simply lurk somewhere

in the distance. venice herself was almost invisible, save a hazy lump and the ever present 'campanile', amazing, you couldn't see the city but you could

see the belltower.

1 comment:

Wastedpapiers said...

Ah Venice! what a great place! You are so lucky to live close by. We have fond memories of our holiday there despite Hazel being a ill for a couple of days. She thinks it maye well have been nerves- having to meet the Principal of the art school there. She gets sick when her lecture is due to start and driving makes her sick. Shes tried Kalms and they seem to help a bit .